Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Few Years Too Late

So I swore that I would eventually start a blog to capture all the fantastic events in my family...and now, 3 years after Addy was born, I am finally completing the task! Bare with me as I get used to the ins and outs of blogging! I hope you shed a few tears...only because you are laughing so hard at the craziness that is our life...just another manic Mitchell!


  1. Yeah a blog! I am so proud of you. I have a blog too. It's pretty cool because you can link your blog to a note on FB.

    I have been kinda bad about updating it lately but am trying to get back into it. Love you!

  2. You are born to blog!! I really enjoyed your colorful descriptions and the love you put into everything you do. Nico,Andrew and I all miss you like crazy. If you want I will send you some pics of Gelica.

    Hope to read more,
    God bless ya'll always


  3. Aleta, I definitely want to see pics of you all! We miss you like crazy too! Its incredible to be back home, but we miss our lives back in Houston too and all the family we had there! Hope you can keep in touch with us through the blog and email and calls! We will be there sometime this summer hopefully!
