Friday, November 12, 2010

Tis the Season

I know that Thanksgiving is coming up first...but I can't help seeing this holiday as the spring board into Christmas! Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday!!! The joy of sharing the story of Christ's birth...the joy of spending time with family...the beauty of decorations both indoors and out!!! Its just a wonderful time of year for me! Plus...both my girls were born around Christmas...what a gift!!! We are fixing to get the lights up on the house soon....since Billy has a little over a week off! Then...the Wednesday before Thankgiving we are going to get the decorations out and deck the walls with red and green inside!!! Its going to be great!!! Money may be tight which means gifts may be small, but the greatest gift this season is the grace we receive and the time spent loving on my family!!! I thank God for the many blessings we have been given and for this time of year to celebrate!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Do I even have a life?!

As I have been looking at my posts, I realized that all of them are about Addyson and what she does in her life. That makes me wonder? After having her, did my life cease to exist and I am totally consumed by her?! Which led to the next question...when this next bundle arrives, how can I be consumed by two children and keep focused on all that they do?! Such questions boggle my I am now on an adventure to reclaim part of my life and post about things other than my children...although they (my kiddos) are a great topic of interest! I don't find fault in myself for taking the role as mother and nurturer seriously and enthusiastically. I know that this is by far my greatest does not lessen the importance of the other great things in my life, such as my extended family in hobbies. There is so much more in my life and I would like to reclaim those forgotten interests. Scrapbooking is on my top priority list of things to get going again. Lets see how quickly I get this going!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who's teaching who?

Billy picked Addy up from school the other day and her teacher said, "I didn't know you were having a boy?!" Billy said, "Neither did we!" Addyson has evidentally been telling everyone at her daycare that we are having a boy and his name is Evan Kindler. We were talking about it during dinner that night and Billy asked her what the baby's name was going to be. She said "Evan Kindler." Billy looked at her confusingly. She said "Watch my mouth Daddy" and then proceeded to sound out the name for him ever so clearly! What a moment!

Everyday conversation

The time change has been received well by Addyson. She's up a little earlier and a lot happier these days. The sun is rising when she gets up, so she says its ok to be out of bed! ha! We let the dog out one morning before we left for the day, and there was a plane with a jet stream overhead. Addy looked up and said "Look Mommy, there's a comet!" I responded, "Oh! WOW!" She then said, "Oh wait! Comet's are only on Micky Mouse Clubhouse!" HAHA I guess I can take comfort in knowing that she is learning something from the cartoons she is able to watch.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh the sacrifices we make

I've been reading a lot lately of pregnant women complaining about not getting to eat this, not drinking this, none of this. It is really disheartening to me (being pregnant and enjoying it for the most part) to realize that people care more about themselves than about the life they are bringing into this world. It does stink being pregnant at times when you have to watch every little thing that goes in your body or on your body or even near your body. It makes life difficult and plain obnoxious at times. BUT...and that's a huge but...what an amazing gift we are given as women to be able to carry a little person in our bodies. To have time with your child that is yours and yours alone. No one else can experience the things that you do while being pregnant. Its your little miracle for nine months (technically 10) to enjoy (and dislike) at times. As most of you know...this pregnancy has been less than ideal thus far. Morning sicknes..fatigue...momentary psychosis! My poor husband has had to do more than his share for the last couple of months. That being said...I do it knowing that the time that I may feel miserable and have to sacrifice more than I think is fair is short in comparison to the years of joy this bundle shall bring. So, my point is after such rambling, is that sacrifices must be made while you are carrying a child. Please remember that one decision you make to enjoy yourself for a moment can have lifetime effects on your unborn child. Think about the big picture and remember that you can't stop everything from hurting your children, but do what we can while we can!