Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh the sacrifices we make

I've been reading a lot lately of pregnant women complaining about not getting to eat this, not drinking this, none of this. It is really disheartening to me (being pregnant and enjoying it for the most part) to realize that people care more about themselves than about the life they are bringing into this world. It does stink being pregnant at times when you have to watch every little thing that goes in your body or on your body or even near your body. It makes life difficult and plain obnoxious at times. BUT...and that's a huge but...what an amazing gift we are given as women to be able to carry a little person in our bodies. To have time with your child that is yours and yours alone. No one else can experience the things that you do while being pregnant. Its your little miracle for nine months (technically 10) to enjoy (and dislike) at times. As most of you know...this pregnancy has been less than ideal thus far. Morning sicknes..fatigue...momentary psychosis! My poor husband has had to do more than his share for the last couple of months. That being said...I do it knowing that the time that I may feel miserable and have to sacrifice more than I think is fair is short in comparison to the years of joy this bundle shall bring. So, my point is after such rambling, is that sacrifices must be made while you are carrying a child. Please remember that one decision you make to enjoy yourself for a moment can have lifetime effects on your unborn child. Think about the big picture and remember that you can't stop everything from hurting your children, but do what we can while we can!


  1. I only hope that when the day comes that I have the blessing that you are enjoying, that I can show the world how much of a blessing it is. You are such a positive influence and I thank you for the continued support in my future.
